Vaughn Vreeland on LinkedIn: resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa… (2024)

Vaughn Vreeland

Supervising Producer at The New York Times | Forbes 30 Under 30

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resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa is the most creative, most hard-working and most steadfast person I know. anyone would be so lucky to count her as a member of their team.


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  • Tara McGoff

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    Hey Folks! As many of you have noticed, I have taken down the “Open to Work” banner; more on what’s next coming VERY soon. In the meantime, I wanted to take a moment to thank my amazing network of former colleagues, peers from many professional groups, people I went to school with, individuals who worked for me, and some solid coaches and recruitment professionals for giving me their time and energy throughout the process of exploring my options for what was next. I am humbled by the outpouring of support, encouragement, offers to make introductions, referrals and all of the candid feedback people provided me with. As a product manager I know the value of the discovery process, and it wouldn’t be possible if people weren’t willing and open. While I can’t tag every individual in this one post, there are a few folks who really stepped up that I’d like to thank! First, a few former colleagues, Marguerite G., Rob McKeon & Traci Gerth who gave me advice, shared learnings on their own processes, and encouraged me to stay anchored to my true north! Secondly, the amazing Deborah Kurtz, founding member of my professional tribe, who has continued to invest in me for over a decade. If your company uses external agencies for exec recruitment you’d be lucky to work with her! Bill Hamer who is doing amazing things over at opened up his network to me and wrote really thoughtful introductions on my behalf when he discovered my focus industries, and that he had deep relationships in one of them. And finally, Chris Foley who I’ve had the pleasure of working with twice throughout my career in tech and who is a continous friend, trusted ally and advocate for me. He’s also the guy who made the intro that landed me where I am going; so thanks is not enough! For anyone in my tech community searching for a place to land: If you think I can be helpful with advice or introductions; please reach out. If you aren’t sure that I can help but are wondering; please reach out. If you aren’t getting traction with your search this week and want to vent or be encouraged; please reach out. I am committed to giving back and it would bring me tremendous joy to help you!



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  • Prajwal Jaiswal

    Engineering Lead @ Rhombuz | Ex - Masai | AI Enthusiast

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    In this turbulent era marked by frequent layoffs, merely holding onto a job isn't enough; we must actively cultivate opportunities for growth and resilience.Central to this endeavor is the cultivation of robust networking and reputation-building skills, alongside the invaluable asset of personal branding.Reflecting on my own journey, I've recently embarked on a content creation voyage through YouTube and Instagram. The experience has brought forth a myriad of benefits, which I'm eager to share:1️⃣ Heightened Confidence: Engaging in content creation has empowered me to step into my own voice and presence with newfound assurance.2️⃣ Enhanced Communication Skills: Through crafting and delivering content, I've honed my ability to articulate ideas effectively and connect with diverse audiences.3️⃣ Skill Refinement: Delving into content creation has reignited my passion for learning, enabling me to sharpen skills that had lain dormant for some time.4️⃣ Community Building: Building an engaged audience has not only provided validation but also fostered meaningful connections and conversations.5️⃣ Time Management Mastery: Balancing content creation alongside other commitments has necessitated disciplined time management, a skill that has proven invaluable in various aspects of life.In navigating the uncertainties of today's professional landscape, investing in personal growth and adaptation is paramount. Content creation has emerged as not only a creative outlet but also a strategic tool for career development and personal fulfillment. I invite you to join me on this journey of exploration and growth.#ContentCreation #PersonalGrowth #CareerDevelopment #Resilience #Networking



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  • Marc Goldberg

    I do a lot of things for a lot of people.

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    Open Roles below. If you missed my weekends posts, find them here. On Friday I posted three times and then Saturday and Sunday. The take away: Jobs are out there. I continue to post open roles but today, these roles have a common theme. They are senior roles. Excited to share as I have a lot of friends/connection that are looking. If these are not for you, please pay it forward so that your network can see.Veronika MoroianTelevisa UnivisionChief Revenue Officer ClancyGoogleGlobal Strategy and Operations Program Manager, Incentives, YouTube Heather shared another job, this is a similar role, hope she can help, but also find other Googlers to help you!)Randy SiegelHeatmapVP of Sales, #nowhiring #openroles #jobopportunities

    • Vaughn Vreeland on LinkedIn: resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa… (14)



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  • Nicholas Whitaker

    Master time, energy & focus in 90 days. Coaching stressed out tech professionals to prepare for volatility, tame uncertainty & thrive in ambiguity | Co-Founder of Changing Work Collective | Conscious Leadership Activist

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    Every job I ever applied for in big tech had this one line listed in the job description:Must thrive in Ambiguity.This was usually listed alongside:- Managing against tight deadlines- Working in a fast paced environmentBut what is Ambiguity? 🧐It's the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.- I started at Google back in 2010 as a temp. - I was brought back at the end of my term as a contractor.- Then again as vendor across 3 teams during a 5 year period. In those years as a TVC, I had learned the true meaning of thriving in ambiguity.As a TVC you have no certainty that you will ever be hired full time, or if your project will be cancelled. You learn to operate in a gray area, with just enough info to do your work, but often not enough to understand the underlying politics of the team, why leaders make certain decisions, or what the right approach to a problem will be.Inexactness.When I was finally hired full time in 2015, I hoped that things would become less ambiguous.I turned in my red badge, and got a shiny new one with my face on it. I was FTE official, but I still felt like a temp.I always did.If anything, the ambiguity and complexity only grew.But I learned an important truth about what working for a big company meant from being a TVC for so long:👉 Nothing is permanent, or to be taken for granted. 👈I kept it as a reminder on a post it on my desk for years. Right under that was another one:👉 "You Are Enough" 👈 Now being on the other side of a layoff, I realize what I really learned during that time.It taught me to never take the moment for granted.Even after being hired full time I spent a lot of my energy preparing for the risk that I would be let go, and that all of the privilege and perks that came along with the job would be gone someday. I savored every moment as if it was my last.To thrive in ambiguity, I learned to:- Focus on the tasks at hand- Plan for multiple contingencies- Be prepared to pivot at any moment- Control what you can control- Always have a plan B,C and D for those things you can'tSo here I am living what I feared the most for more than a decade, also knowing that I was training my mind and heart for this moment the whole time.This is what I'm now offering to others:- The wisdom of experience and the understanding of what it really means to thrive in ambiguity- And maybe even a reframe of this moment for you If you've been impacted by layoffs of job loss, or if you're somewhat safe in your role, but feeling unfulfilled and unmotivated, try this on for size:• What else could this moment mean to you other than loss?• How could this become something wonderful?• What can you make of this moment?If you're struggling to thrive in this moment of ambiguity, reach out.You're not alone in this.#layoffs #Google #TVC #mindset #transitioncoaching

    • Vaughn Vreeland on LinkedIn: resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa… (19)



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  • Sabrina Jimenez

    Software Interaction Designer at IDEXX

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    In light of the recent layoffs rocking the tech industry, many professionals are reassessing their career paths. Whether you're currently in the job market or simply considering a change, understanding the landscape can significantly impact your decision-making process. I wanted to share a quick comparison between working at agencies and corporations, hoping it'll help you figure out your next move in these crazy times:1️⃣ Project Variety vs. Specialization: Agencies? Think fast and furious with a mix of projects from every corner of the business world. In corporations, you may specialize in one product, allowing for deeper expertise in a specific domain.2️⃣ Client Interaction vs. Internal Focus: Agencies thrive on client interactions, fostering communication and presentation skills. In corporations, my focus shifted inwards, collaborating closely with internal teams and stakeholders.3️⃣ Project Whirlwind vs. Steady Pace: At agencies, projects move quickly, demanding flexibility and the ability to adapt to frequent changes. Corporations, on the other hand, typically offer a more consistent and predictable project pace, allowing for deeper focus and long-term planning.4️⃣ Creativity Playground vs. Brand Guardianship: Agencies are the creative playground where you can let your wild ideas roam. Corporations prefer keeping the brand consistent and on point.5️⃣ Job Surprises vs. Stability: Agencies can be thrilling with surprises around the corner, but it's a bit of a rollercoaster. Corporations? Stable, with those comfy benefits like healthcare.6️⃣ Work-Life Balance: Agencies can be demanding with workloads, potentially affecting work-life balance, while corporations often give you more time to enjoy your off-hours.Both agency and corporate gigs have their charm and challenges; embrace the journey wherever you land! 💼🌟#UXDesign #UXUI #UIDesign #DesignJourney #productdesign #agencies #corporations #careerreflections


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  • Keith Lee

    Co-Founder, Headhunter for Healthcare & Manufacturing | Sales & Marketing | Finance & Accounting | Operations | Engineering | Accelerate your talent acquisition 🚀

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    A client called me... and we spoke for over 25 minutes.They're putting their role on hold. And... They're also creating 2-3 new openings that will need filled. These are my favorite types of clients!... ones who actually communicate well.Our team has hustled for weeks on openings before, submitted rockstar candidates, only to hear; "We've put this role on hold."No heads up. No phone call. No warning. We've had to make tough calls and say goodbye to clients, because of lack of communication and/or professionalism. And that's okay. There are other firms, less serious ones, ready to take them on. We're just not for them.In that 25+ min phone call, we also talked about how our weekend went...Their kid's college graduation and future plans, my toddler's crazy adventures, how our families share a love for dogs (we both have golden retrievers)...We believe in respect, transparency, & good old fashioned hard work. So here's to the clients who value the same! 🥂#recruiting #stories #manufacturing #healthcare



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  • Shaun Hoang

    Geo Data Scientist | B2B Tech Sales Leader | Digital Consultant 🏙️ 🌎 ex-Google

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    'Sorry you got affected...', an old friend told me all of a sudden. O, that loaded euphemism. I had only told them I left my job to explore something new. I guess, amidst the tech layoff news still ubiquitous, it'd only make sense if my Google career got pulled right from under my feet. Well, jokes on me. I did the damage all by myself, no HR required! (i.e., I quit) That said, as the new year draws closer, it was my cue to fully reflect on what I did and why I did it.What I left behind:👋 Amazing people and all-star colleagues still smashing quotas quarter after quarter.👋 A double-digit(!) growth portfolio that was a bright spot in the region.👋 An assured path to take on bigger scopes and manage bigger teams perhaps👋 The Big Tech© lifestyle. No explanation needed.Why I left:😶🌫️ I stopped learning from the profession. Digital advertising has this great knack for repackaging things well and fast. But when you've been around for a while, you see right through it. Closing deals and smashing numbers started feeling like empty calories when there was little technical substance that piqued my interest. Although I still found many mini-inspirations in this dynamic field, they were just not enough.😶🌫️ I started relooking at risk-taking. I used to take big leaps early on which helped me gain a diverse set of experience in many countries and domains, and that was fuel to my fast growth in only a few short years. But then I pulled back esp since COVID with a lay-low mentality. That never sat well with me when I know for a fact I naturally have more curiosity than my person could hold. With the stability I am privileged to have earned, if not risk now, then when?😶🌫️ My outlook on the world changed. Or rather went full circle. For a long time, I was convinced, and also convincing others by virtue of my job, that going fully digital is the only future possible. You know the sales pitch: YouTube ads will always be more efficient than billboards, ecommerce will take over the corner stores, etc. However, I was an urbanist by training and at heart, and I believe there is unparalleled value when real people move through real spaces to do real things and form real relationships. The pandemic isolation was a wake-up call for me to question the digital utopia I had advocated for, and urge me to go back to the basics: Making an impact to the physical world, however that would look.And so, here I am... 3 (intense) months into my #geospatial immersion.I will continue to share my learning journey, research, projects, and creations on LinkedIn with you all, my old & new networks of peers and mentors. But this post is simply about 'The Pivot'... If you ever find yourselves in the same boat in your career, let's chat!#spatial #datascience #urbanism #cartography #careerpivot #urbananalytics

    • Vaughn Vreeland on LinkedIn: resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa… (29)



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  • Noah Schipper

    Recruiter | Talent Acquisition | President @ Periscope Search Group | Toronto | Montreal | Miami

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    🔍💼 In light of recent news about significant layoffs at Google, it's a stark reminder of the need for a competent and agile recruitment strategy. Ask yourself - is your hiring strategy nimble enough to adjust to market shifts? 🔁 Google is laying off hundreds of employees within its advertising division to pivot towards newer, crucial areas such as Privacy, Measurement, and Automation. As a leader in your organization, are you honing recruitment efforts to meet similar shifting priorities in your industry?Consider the expertise your business requires to stay competitive. Are your teams armed with the skills necessary to maneuver through these changing landscapes? Will your current hiring pipeline pivot, adapt, and bring you the right talent when needed?Reflect on these imperative questions. Adaptability in the hiring process isn't a nice-to-have, it's a NEED-to-have in today's fast-paced, transformative market environment.Reach out 📞 to us at Periscope Search Group. Our experienced team of recruiting & hiring experts can help you strategize for these industry shake-ups, map your talent needs, and future-proof your teams.Invest in the right people, in the right roles, at the right time. Message us at Periscope Search Group today. 💡📈#jobs #hiring #recruiting

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  • Matt St Germain

    Enabling partner growth @ Google

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    A month ago, "It's not you, it's me" wasn't just a break-up line; it was my Google layoff notice. But, this isn't a sad story. This was a chance to re-center on what matters most to me.I always struggled with finding “the one" career, until I realized that my mission is not my job. Jobs can come and go, but we're stuck with ourselves for life (Lol - wish me luck!). The past few years at Google, I have been able to grow and learn more about my passion: building authentic community. Helping people become more self aware, develop a sense of belonging, and find true joy — This is what drives me, and I’ve been fortunate to build this type of community with colleagues across Google, all while doing cool work. My colleagues (who moonlighted as friends!) supported me through thick and thin, from health scares to mountain summits. Together, we salsa danced, dog-loved, and grew as humans. And so, I’m excited to say that I have the opportunity to continue building community at Google in a new role — Working with the incredible Katherine A. Skuratovskiy, designing solutions for partners and agencies. We’re going to do some cool sh*t together, and I'm pumped. But let's be real: not everyone gets a happy layoff ending. To my laid-off friends: I see you, and I'm here. I'll continue to share opportunities, connect you with resources I find, and be your advocate.To those lucky enough to keep their jobs: silence matters. Reach out to colleagues who were laid off. Even a "Hey, thinking of you" can make a world of difference.Alright, let's escape the LinkedIn influencer bubble and have some real talk. What drives you, beyond the job title? A special note of gratitude to my team members for always cheering me on: Cara Devins, Steven Koval, Mary Cascio,Tami Zonenshine, Shannon Trainor Stark, Sean Downey, Matthew Kelleher, Jennifer Woods, Rafael Arrais Biihrer, Henri Nekmouche, Jordan Harvich, Ryan TetuanP.S. Summit says hi too!#google #advertising #community

    • Vaughn Vreeland on LinkedIn: resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa… (35)



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Vaughn Vreeland on LinkedIn: resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa… (39)

Vaughn Vreeland on LinkedIn: resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa… (40)

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Vaughn Vreeland on LinkedIn: resurrecting my linkedin presence because I believe in this so much. lisa… (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.