The Complete 2024 Guide to the Employee Handbook  (2024)

An employee handbook should be the backbone of any organization to provide guidance and clarity on all HR-related items. Every HR team spends significant time and energy answering employee HR-related questions. With a well-crafted manual in place, not only do you have a reference point for employees to turn to when they have questions or concerns, but it also helps create a more streamlined, efficient HR process.

An HR handbook is a vital resource to help set clear expectations for behavior and performance and helping to foster a positive workplace culture. While there are no laws in the United States that require companies to create a handbook, some states require specific employment laws to be written down and easy to access by employees. Therefore, an employee handbook is a perfect medium to ensure you meet local legal requirements in your company.

If you’re ready to take your HR game to the next level, it’s time to get serious about creating or updating your organization’s HR handbook. So let’s dive in!

What is an employee handbook?Why is it important for HR to create an employee handbook?Key components to include in an employee handbook6 Steps to create an effective employee handbook

What is an employee handbook?

An employee handbook, also called an employee manual, serves as a comprehensive guide to your organization’s mission, vision, values, employee and workplace policies, HR-related procedures, employee benefits, and code of conduct in the workplace, among other things. In short, it sets clear employee expectations, defines their rights, and communicates your company’s legal obligations.

Additionally, the employee handbook is a crucial introduction to your business for new hires and will help your team when onboarding. It also helps new employees align themselves with your organization’s culture and goals by providing insights into your mission, vision, and values.

The manual provides them with a resource to look back on if they forgot or missed something during their first few weeks. Overall, the employee handbook is a valuable tool that benefits both employees and employers alike by fostering a positive and productive workplace culture.

Why is it important for HR to create an employee handbook?

HR departments will always have a ton of tasks on their hands, and therefore the assignment of creating and maintaining your employee handbook can be overlooked. But in the grand scheme of things, having this manual could save you and your company from future legal battles and headaches.

Many corporate businesses already have an employee handbook. If you are in this category, great! You are already one step ahead. But how often is it updated? Are your employees actually using it? Conversely, many small companies don’t even have a handbook for their team to refer to.

Employee handbooks are a valuable tool for providing clarity and structure to both employees and management. It sets out policies and expectations, such as dress code and emergency procedures, and outlines disciplinary procedures for those who break the rules. This helps everyone understand what is expected of them and makes it easier to manage employee behavior. It can also provide managers with a reference for starting disciplinary procedures, which helps maintain consistency throughout the business.

Additionally, a detailed manual can also protect your business from legal liability by clearly communicating your rules on anti-discrimination policies or how to report harassment. By having a handbook in place, you can ensure that your company complies with the latest federal, state, and local laws.

An employee handbook is also an effective tool for employee engagement and motivation. You can help build a positive and productive workplace culture by clearly outlining the company’s mission and values and the benefits and opportunities available to employees.

So, whether you’re working for a large employer or a smaller business, it’s time to prioritize your employee handbook. But remember, it’s not a one-time process – this manual should be maintained and updated regularly to ensure it reflects your business practices and legal requirements.

Key components to include in an employee handbook

One of the exciting things about creating employee handbooks is that there are many ways to construct one. Therefore, your team has a lot of options when deciding what should be added or not. However, we would suggest adding the following items to your handbook to make it as comprehensive as possible:

1. General company information

A great way to introduce new employees to your company and its leadership is by starting your employee handbook with a general company information section. Here you can add information about your organization’s history, who is on the leadership board, and company structure to give clarify your new team member.

2. Company mission, vision, and values

Your company’s mission defines your business, its objectives, and how it will reach them. The vision is where your organization hopes to go in the future, and your values reinforce the company’s vision and shape its work culture. These three points are essential for your employee to understand, and when well communicated, employees can collaborate and work together towards the business’s goals and objectives. Hubspot has a very detailed culture section in its handbook. Remember, there are many ways to create a manual; you can go as detailed or as simple as you want,

3. Employment policies

This section should include information about your team member’s employment terms, such as what defines full-time and part-time employees and interns. In this section, you may want to add information on compensation philosophy, pay scales, and performance review information.

4. Equal employment opportunity

Depending on the size and number of employees you have in your company, there are many different laws you need to follow that relate to employee rights in the United States of America. One of these is the Equal Employment Opportunity (or EEO).

A business that follows these rules must ensure that they are not discriminating against employee and job applicants based on protected traits such as race, gender, religion, age, and other categorizations that can be discriminated against. Your employee handbook is an excellent place for an Equal Opportunity Employer Statement to let your team know they are protected under EEO.

5. Anti-harassment policy

The U.S. equal opportunity employment commission also protects employees from harassment at work or retaliation for reporting harassment. You should add a section in your employee handbook that outlines a definition of the different types of harassment an employee can experience, how to report harassment, who is responsible for supporting the employee, and the types of disciplinary actions that can be taken if an employee is found in contempt of these laws.

You can find a great example of this in GitLab’s public employee handbook.

6. Employee conduct and discipline

It may not always be evident to team members what constitutes good employee conduct. Adding a section to your manual will clarify what is expected in your company’s code of conduct, such as:

  • Appropriate use of corporate email
  • Dress code
  • The use of social media at work
  • Relationships at work

Trello has a simple yet clear example in their employee handbook on dress code. You can also add information on what disciplinary measures can be taken if your team member breaks the rules.The Complete 2024 Guide to the Employee Handbook (1)

7. Work hours and scheduling

If your company has set work hours or specific schedules your employee needs to follow, add to the employee handbook for clarity. Make sure that there is information or policies on how to switch scheduled days or hours if that is something your business allows.

8. Time-off policies / leave schemes

Does your company offer paid time off or other leave schemes, such as medical, maternity, or family leave? Include details of your policies as well as information on how to request leave, who approves the leave, and when the company can decide not to approve it.

Check out Trello’s handbook to see a detailed example of leave.

9. Employee benefits

A part of what attracts and retains talent are your employee benefits. You’ll want to make sure that your team members are informed of their benefits and take advantage of them – that’s why you have them for your company’s employees. The length and detail of this section will depend on how many benefits you have and if there are differences based on location.

Pronto Marketing has a nice yet simple example of employee benefits.

10. Safety and security in the workplace

Your team members’ safety and security should be the company’s priority. This is especially true if your team is working near heavy equipment. Laws in the U.S. regulate workplace safety but make sure your employees know how to stay safe in their environment, which will also help you mitigate the risk of potential lawsuits.

Additional components:

There are additional elements you may also want to add to your employee handbook:

  • Welcome letter from the CEO or founder
  • Annual office closures
  • Internal tooling information
  • Cyber security tips
  • Onboarding information (first day/month)
  • Offboarding information
  • Internal IT Support
  • People operations team information
  • Breaks and meals
  • Work travel reimbursem*nt policies

6 Steps to create an effective employee handbook

1. Begin with your culture and values

Start with your culture and values to get your team into the mindset of creating or updating the employee handbook. These two subjects should be the backbone of many internal decisions around your policies and procedures and will help you create a consistent message throughout your manual. But have fun; these manuals can be a creative way to engage and inform your team.

2. Conduct a review of existing policies and procedures

Policies and procedures aren’t just about legal requirements and best practices; they should also embody your company’s values and vision, permeating every part of your organization. Reviewing existing policies and procedures will allow you to ensure they are consistent with what your business needs as it grows. It is possible that the foundational elements of your policies may stay the same. Still, the specifics of implementing them may need to shift as the industry and/or your organization evolves.

HR pro tip

By conducting a review, you can also write down what policies you have already implemented and which ones you think are missing and use this as a table of context for your employee handbook.

3. Ensure all policies are legally compliant

Your organization must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. If you aren’t, you are opening up your business to potential lawsuits.

Laws and policies constantly evolve, and they differ across cities and states. The variation is even more significant if your team is international because you have employees with vastly different employment laws in multiple locations.

If you have a large team, you may have someone in HR dedicated to being up-to-date on HR Compliance, but if your team is small, it may make sense to work with an Employment Law Lawyer.

4. Establish a process for reviewing and updating

Your handbook needs to be a living document that changes with the organization. It is, therefore, important that your HR team updates the manual often. To do this, establish a structured process that gives your team time to review each section.

It’s common for the workplace to see a fresh batch of laws and regulations at the federal, state, and local levels in the new year. This makes January an ideal time for HR professionals to carefully examine their employee handbooks and consider necessary updates.

HR pro tip:

It can be easy to overlook making changes in your handbook. To make it easier, book a recurring week in your January calendar for your team to focus solely on employee handbook changes.

5. Ensure the handbook is approved by legal

Getting buy-in and approval from legal before publishing your handbook to the rest of the company is essential to ensure you are legally compliant and there aren’t any missing topics or policies.

6. Encourage feedback and make changes as needed

Receiving feedback on your handbook from the rest of your team is essential. They may point out things you are missing or sections that could be more clear. Additionally, your company may make changes mid-year, so ensure your handbook is updated with important information more often than yearly if needed.

HR pro tip:

Encourage the team to give feedback by asking individuals directly or sending a survey after the handbook.

Key takeaways

  1. An employee handbook sets clear expectations for behavior and performance, defines employees’ rights, and communicates legal obligations. It is also a valuable tool for providing clarity and structure to both employees and management.
  2. An HR department should create an employee handbook to save the company from future legal battles and headaches. A detailed manual can protect the company from legal liability, for example, by communicating rules on anti-discrimination policies or how to report harassment.
  3. Your employee handbook can be as detailed or as simple as you want to make it. Start with your culture and values to help you create a consistent message throughout your manual, and have fun!

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The Complete 2024 Guide to the Employee Handbook (3)

Jayla Cosentino

Jayla Cosentino is a recruitment professional who specializes in hiring teams for start-ups and scale-ups. She focuses on 360 recruitment as well as building and optimizing organizations’ recruitment processes. Passionate about everything recruitment and HR, Jayla has spoken at conferences organized by companies such as and ProductUp, as well as at universities like the University of Utrecht.

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The Complete 2024 Guide to the Employee Handbook  (2024)


What are the key points of the employee handbook? ›

Get all the information in this guide.
  • Overtime. Use this section to clarify your company's position on overtime pay for employees who qualify. ...
  • Leaves of absence. ...
  • Parental leave. ...
  • Workplace violence and workplace safety. ...
  • Conflict of interest. ...
  • Code of conduct. ...
  • Unemployment compensation. ...
  • Payroll deductions.
Jan 24, 2023

What is the welcome statement for the employee handbook sample? ›

We wish you every success in your new job, and we hope that you quickly feel at home. This Handbook was developed to describe some of the expectations we have for all of our employees and what you can expect from us. We hope that your experience here will be challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding. Again, welcome!

How many pages is the average employee handbook? ›

Generally, employee handbooks are 10–50 pages, with an average of around 20 pages. It should be long enough to feel informative without going into too much detail. Using clear, concise language helps keep the page count down, while ensuring the handbook is fully read and understood by everyone at your company.

What is legally required in an employee handbook? ›

Certain policies are mandatory and must be included in your employee handbook. For example, California employers must have a written harassment, discrimination and retaliation prevention policy. Including these policies clarifies for employees their rights and obligations, and protects you from potential liability.

Why you should read the employee handbook? ›

Not only does a handbook provide employee expectations, but also it creates a framework to guide management and leadership. Outlining what employees can expect from management helps ensure the whole company is working from the same page.

How to make a good employee handbook? ›

How to Write a Great Employee Handbook
  1. Employment at-will disclaimer and statement on equal employment opportunity.
  2. Policy prohibiting unlawful discrimination and harassment.
  3. A section describing your policy for use of company property, privacy rules, and social media.
Jun 12, 2017

What is a welcoming statement? ›

Welcome statements are the first thing employees read when they join an organization and review the employee handbook. Your welcome statement sets the tone for the work culture and makes a lasting impression on new hires.

What is employee handbook template? ›

It provides clarity on employee rights and responsibilities, ensuring a harmonious work environment. The handbook covers employment basics, workplace policies, code of conduct, compensation, benefits, working hours, and termination procedures.

What is at will verbiage for employee handbook? ›

Your employment with [employer name] is at will. This means your employment is for an indefinite period of time and it is subject to termination by you or [employer name], with or without cause, with or without notice, and at any time.

How do I end an employee handbook? ›

How to end an employee handbook? Always add an acknowledgment receipt at the end of your document. This is an important part of the employee handbook that should not be overlooked. Employees signing the document means they understand the contents — providing you with invaluable protection if ever needed.

What is the difference between an employee handbook and an employee manual? ›

The primary difference lies in the level of detail provided in each document; an employee manual typically provides a comprehensive overview of all topics while an employee handbook offers a concise summary that employees can refer to when needed.

How much should I pay for an employee handbook? ›

Creating an employee handbook can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000, with additional costs for each state's requirements. It's important to consider both the flat fee and hourly rate options when calculating the total expense.

What not to put in an employee handbook? ›

Company procedures, work processes, and job descriptions should not be included so that you will not need to update the entire handbook each time one of these changes. It is a best practice to outline these in your separate operations manual.

Can I be fired for not signing an employee handbook? ›

However, as an employee, you don't get to like or dislike lawful policies adopted by your employer. If you don't sign the handbook, the employer has a right to fire you.

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A job share arrangement is a full-time job split between two individuals, each with responsibility for the success of the total job. Job sharing allows two staff members to share the responsibilities of one full-time position, typically with prorated salary and paid time off.

What is the objective of the staff handbook? ›

A staff handbook helps you comply with employment law

If you employ anyone, it's a legal requirement that you provide them with written details about some of your HR policies and procedures. The purpose of a staff handbook is to help you create those policies to give to your staff when they join your business.

Which sections in the employee handbook would be most useful? ›

The sections in the employee handbook that would be most useful are Orientation & First Day, which gives them basic knowledge of how your organization runs, and Company Code of Conduct, which explains what behavior is and isn't acceptable in the workplace.

What are the characteristics of a handbook? ›

Handbooks may deal with any topic, and are generally compendiums of information in a particular field or about a particular technique. They are designed to be easily consulted and provide quick answers in a certain area.

What is the employee rules and regulations handbook? ›

What to Include in an Employee Handbook
  • Introduction. ...
  • At-Will Statement. ...
  • Contract Disclaimer. ...
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Statement. ...
  • Policy Against Unlawful Harassment. ...
  • Commitment to Provide Reasonable Accommodations. ...
  • Compensation and Benefits. ...
  • Leave/Time Off Policies.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.